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A Guide to Medicines, Alcohol and Aging      A resource warns about the dangers of the elderly misusing  alcohol, prescription drugs, to...

Monday, August 24, 2015

Politicians are going to make 2016 a horrible hurricane season!

Professional weather watchers / guessers say that tropical storms and hurricanes feed off warm water and warm air. 

Well, next year's political season is already under way with all of the HOT AIR from the politicians heating up the air, yet the elections are over a year away.

Eyesight is not the only sense we lose......

Arthur is 90 years old. He’s played golf every day since his retirement 25 years ago.  

One day the arrives home looking downcast.  "That’s it," he tells his wife.  "I’m giving up golf.  My eyesight has gotten so bad.  Once I’ve hit the ball, I can’t see where it went."

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Check out our Archived Newsletters

We publish regularly irregular email newsletters of interest to seniors.  We include some humor about the aging process, highlights of SeniorS-SuperStoreS.com news and specials we occasionally run, and showcase of different products from time to time.

You can view our archived newsletters and sign up to receive your own newsletter.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from a Physical Therapist's perspective:

One particular wrist injury which is seen increasingly more often by medical specialists is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. This article will attempt to explain the anatomy of the carpal tunnel and why it is often implicated in hand and wrist dysfunctions.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Cures for Sunburn and Kitchen Burns

Despite 'knowing better' many of us will suffer the pain and potential harm of at least one sunburn. 

If you are careful about your sun exposure, what about burns in the kitchen? Even if we are careful, we still occasionally 'get stung' by a burner, the oven, or a hot pot or pan.  Here are some solutions to help prevent kitchen burns and some unconventional treatment for burns.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Assistive Devices for Special Needs of Seniors

So, you've broken or sprained your ankle, or a wrist, or some other bone in your body. Or, you've been in a car accident, or undergone surgery and are feeling lousy. You are going to have wear a cast or splint for perhaps several weeks. It's going to completely ruin all your plans for the next couple of months, you think

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Thursday, August 6, 2015

The National Council on Aging and BenefitsCheckUp.Org

Surveys have shown that seniors spend more time online and finding more web resources such as medical and health information than ever before, but few utilize this non-profit tool.

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Philosophical Ponderings on the Aging Process.......

Maybe a little "spicy", but a humorous look at aging is healthy if these make you smile - or even laugh a bit.....

I don't do drugs. I get the same effect just standing up fast.
You know you are getting old when everything either dries up or leaks.
I live in my own little world. But it's okay. They know me here.

Medicare Web Site Rates Nursing Homes

Since 2002, the Federal government has maintained an online database aimed at educating those shopping for a nursing home. The database is designed to be user-friendly and is updated every three months.

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16 Factors to Consider When Looking for a Nursing Home

Here is a handy checklist of 16 points to use when considering nursing home care for ourselves or our loved ones.

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